Biotech Research Tools

Scientific information ressources

PhD research is more and more done outsite the wetlab with the help of useful scientifuc and academic databses.

gene sequences
Dna sequencing

Protocols for Biomecical research

  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
  2. Biomolecular & Biochemical Databases (Sequences, Structures, etc)
  3. Educational Resources  
  4. Free online journals: HighWire Press
  5. Protocol Online (large collection of protocols)
  6. Molecular Biology Protocols and Downloads
  7. Molecular Biology Problem Sets & Tutorials
  8. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)
  9. Web Tools for Molecular Biologists
  10. Dictionary of Cell Biology
  11. Immunology
  12. BioExchange
  13. Bio Netbook
  14. Biology Online
  15. BioOnline
  16. Biosciences Virtual Library
  17. The Bio-Web
  18. Microarray data analysis
  19. Cell & Molecular Biology Online
  20. ExPASy
  21. Molecular Biology Resources
  22. Molecular Biology Toolbox
  23. National Institutes of Health
  24. Biological databases
  25. Cytokines
  26. Macromolecular Structure Database
  27. Atlas of Side-Chain and Main-Chain Hydrogen Bonding
  28. EMBL Data Library
  29. Java based Molecular Biologists Workbench (JaMBW)
  30. Bio-wURLd, URL’s for bioinformatics, biochemistry, and molecular biology
  31. PredictProtein — protein structural predictions from sequence data
  32. FSSP: Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins
  33. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  34. Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog
  35. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  36. BLOCKS Server
  37. ProDom Database of Protein Domains
  38. Gene Quantification: quantitative gene expression analysis using real-time (RT-) PCR
  39. SwissProt protein database
  40. Swiss-2DPAGE – 2D protein gel database
  41. World-3DPAGE, a listing of 2D protein gel databases
  42. Swiss-Model: Automated Protein Modelling Server
  43. List of On-line and Email Molecular Biology Services
  44. Center for Biomedical and Biophysical Technologies (CITBB)
  45. GenomeNet
  46. Kyoto Encylopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
  47. GibcoBRL Life Technologies
  48. Internet Directory of Biotechnology Resources
  49. International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics
  50. Invitrogen
  51. Image Library of Biological Macromolecules
  52. The RNA World
  53. LabVelocity
  54. Large Scale Biology Corporation
  55. 2DE Protein Electrophoresis
  56. Design-it-yourself Glycolysis, a tecahing aid for biochemistry
  57. Martinsried Institute for Protein Sequences
  58. HyperTextbook on Cellular & Molecular Biology
  59. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
  60. MIT Center for Genome Research
  61. RasMol HomePage
  62. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  63. McGill University: Department of Biochemistry
  64. Tutorials in Biochemistry
  65. Protocols in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
  66. Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database
  67. Mintz Levin (biotech patent law)
  68. (Portal for Molecular Biology Tools on the Net)
  69. Molecular Probes
  70. Molecular Properties Prediction
  71. Molecular Simuations Inc.
  72. Molecular Station
  73. Image Processing Section (IPS)
  74. Information Theory and Molecular Recognition
  75. Sequence Logos
  76. bionet.molbio.methds-reagns FAQ
  77. U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  78. Molecules R Us
  79. Bioinformatics and Molecular Analysis Section (BIMAS)
  80. GenBank
  81. NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts (from NYU Medical Center)
  82. U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  83. Molecular Biology Protocols
  84. Nature Biotechnology
  85. U.S. National Science Foundation
  86. Operon Technologies
  87. Oxford University Press
  88. Pedro’s Research Tools (Molecular Biology Software Guide)
  89. Molecular Biology Search and Analysis
  90. Practical Molecular Biology -Protocols, bioMail and calculations
  91. Promega, a supplier of molecular biology reagents
  92. ProteomicsSURF
  93. Molecular Biology Vector Sequence Database
  94. Computational Molecular Biology
  95. The Nucleic Acid Database — 3-dimensional structures of DNA and RNA
  96. Salk Institute for Biological Studies
  97. Motif Bioinformatics Server
  98. Molecular Biotechnology Programme
  99. NetBioChem, an on-line biochemistry tutorial
  100. Hidden Markov models of protein and DNA sequences
  101. The World Lecture Hall — on-line courses and courseware
  102. WWW.Biochemistry
  103. BioGeoscience
  104. Biodiversity and Ecology
  105. Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics Resource
  106. Botany
  107. Biotechnology
  108. Developmental Biology
  109. Genetics
  110. Veterinary Medicine
  111. Neurobiology
  112. Physiology and Biophysics  
  113. The WWW Virtual Library: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (A Recombinant DNA Course)
  114. Virtual Fly Lab

Search tools

  1. BioChem Links
  2. BioTechFind
  3. Links2Go: Biology
  4. Addgene 
  5. NCBI Entrez
  6. Protein Data Bank
  7. The “Universal” Genetic Code HTML Table
  8. Periodic Table of the Elements
  9. Submit your DNA sequence to GenBank with BankIt to GenBank
  10. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  11. Vector db — a sequence database of recombinant DNA vectors
  12. Codon Usage Tables for >450 species!


  1. Arabidopsis — AAtDB
  2. Arabidopsis Ds Mapping Project
  3. C.elegans
  4. Drosophila — FlyBase
  5. Human: Genome Data Base & On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man
  6. Mouse: Genevestigator Mouse Genome Informatics, Jackson Labratory Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome
  7. Prokaryotes: Bacillus subtilis –SubtilistNRSub Escherichia coli Institut Pasteur’sColibri Stocks (CGSC) E.coli Data Collection (ECDC) dam, dcm and mut strainsHaemophilus HIDB M. tuberculosis
  8. XREFdb a model organism genetics cross-reference
  9. Yeasts — Saccharomyces Genome Project
  10. Zebrafish


  1. The Bio-Access Guide to the Internet, a directory of molecular biology software
  2. WebCutter — DNA restriction site analysis
  3. BioCatalog of molecular biology/genetics software
  4. Genamics’ SoftwareSeek
  5. List of On-line and E-mail Molecular Biology Services

Gabriel Gonzalez

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