Scientific information ressources
PhD research is more and more done outsite the wetlab with the help of useful scientifuc and academic databses.

Protocols for Biomecical research
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
- Biomolecular & Biochemical Databases (Sequences, Structures, etc)
- Educational Resources
- Free online journals: HighWire Press
- Protocol Online (large collection of protocols)
- Molecular Biology Protocols and Downloads
- Molecular Biology Problem Sets & Tutorials
- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)
- Web Tools for Molecular Biologists
- Dictionary of Cell Biology
- Immunology
- BioExchange
- Bio Netbook
- Biology Online
- BioOnline
- Biosciences Virtual Library
- The Bio-Web
- Microarray data analysis
- Cell & Molecular Biology Online
- ExPASy
- Molecular Biology Resources
- Molecular Biology Toolbox
- National Institutes of Health
- Biological databases
- Cytokines
- Macromolecular Structure Database
- Atlas of Side-Chain and Main-Chain Hydrogen Bonding
- EMBL Data Library
- Java based Molecular Biologists Workbench (JaMBW)
- Bio-wURLd, URL’s for bioinformatics, biochemistry, and molecular biology
- PredictProtein — protein structural predictions from sequence data
- FSSP: Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Fisher Scientific On-Line Catalog
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- BLOCKS Server
- ProDom Database of Protein Domains
- Gene Quantification: quantitative gene expression analysis using real-time (RT-) PCR
- SwissProt protein database
- Swiss-2DPAGE – 2D protein gel database
- World-3DPAGE, a listing of 2D protein gel databases
- Swiss-Model: Automated Protein Modelling Server
- List of On-line and Email Molecular Biology Services
- Center for Biomedical and Biophysical Technologies (CITBB)
- GenomeNet
- Kyoto Encylopaedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
- GibcoBRL Life Technologies
- Internet Directory of Biotechnology Resources
- International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics
- Invitrogen
- Image Library of Biological Macromolecules
- The RNA World
- LabVelocity
- Large Scale Biology Corporation
- 2DE Protein Electrophoresis
- Design-it-yourself Glycolysis, a tecahing aid for biochemistry
- Martinsried Institute for Protein Sequences
- HyperTextbook on Cellular & Molecular Biology
- Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
- MIT Center for Genome Research
- RasMol HomePage
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- McGill University: Department of Biochemistry
- Tutorials in Biochemistry
- Protocols in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
- Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database
- Mintz Levin (biotech patent law)
- (Portal for Molecular Biology Tools on the Net)
- Molecular Probes
- Molecular Properties Prediction
- Molecular Simuations Inc.
- Molecular Station
- Image Processing Section (IPS)
- Information Theory and Molecular Recognition
- Sequence Logos
- bionet.molbio.methds-reagns FAQ
- U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Molecules R Us
- Bioinformatics and Molecular Analysis Section (BIMAS)
- GenBank
- NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts (from NYU Medical Center)
- U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Molecular Biology Protocols
- Nature Biotechnology
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Operon Technologies
- Oxford University Press
- Pedro’s Research Tools (Molecular Biology Software Guide)
- Molecular Biology Search and Analysis
- Practical Molecular Biology -Protocols, bioMail and calculations
- Promega, a supplier of molecular biology reagents
- ProteomicsSURF
- Molecular Biology Vector Sequence Database
- Computational Molecular Biology
- The Nucleic Acid Database — 3-dimensional structures of DNA and RNA
- Salk Institute for Biological Studies
- Motif Bioinformatics Server
- Molecular Biotechnology Programme
- NetBioChem, an on-line biochemistry tutorial
- Hidden Markov models of protein and DNA sequences
- The World Lecture Hall — on-line courses and courseware
- WWW.Biochemistry
- BioGeoscience
- Biodiversity and Ecology
- Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics Resource
- Botany
- Biotechnology
- Developmental Biology
- Genetics
- Veterinary Medicine
- Neurobiology
- Physiology and Biophysics
- The WWW Virtual Library: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (A Recombinant DNA Course)
- Virtual Fly Lab
Search tools
- BioChem Links
- BioTechFind
- Links2Go: Biology
- Addgene
- NCBI Entrez
- Protein Data Bank
- The “Universal” Genetic Code HTML Table
- Periodic Table of the Elements
- Submit your DNA sequence to GenBank with BankIt to GenBank
- Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- Vector db — a sequence database of recombinant DNA vectors
- Codon Usage Tables for >450 species!
- Arabidopsis — AAtDB
- Arabidopsis Ds Mapping Project
- C.elegans
- Drosophila — FlyBase
- Human: Genome Data Base & On-line Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- Mouse: Genevestigator Mouse Genome Informatics, Jackson Labratory Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome
- Prokaryotes: Bacillus subtilis –Subtilist, NRSub Escherichia coli Institut Pasteur’sColibri Stocks (CGSC) E.coli Data Collection (ECDC) dam, dcm and mut strainsHaemophilus HIDB M. tuberculosis
- XREFdb a model organism genetics cross-reference
- Yeasts — Saccharomyces Genome Project
- Zebrafish
- The Bio-Access Guide to the Internet, a directory of molecular biology software
- WebCutter — DNA restriction site analysis
- BioCatalog of molecular biology/genetics software
- Genamics’ SoftwareSeek
- List of On-line and E-mail Molecular Biology Services